My lost love

02 May 2024

I exist,
In the world of stars
Guided by the string
Of my bleeding guitar

Where I
Add life, to the thread of stars
Generating the chords
From my broken guitar

And from his hello tunes
Twang his breath of free
That sang with the pine trees

Where the river pines
To the sea
Where I struggled for a change
 By planting the seeds

In deeds of the torrential Rain
Where my
Lost guitar sang

Where were you
sourcing from its cord
Carried our tunes
In the chariots of God
With my high hopes
In the song of afternoons

In the symphony of hope
With the celebration of a new Sun
Where I
Crossed The barriers of my freedom.
Where the independent days
United under one Flag
And I sang The songs of Earth.


Dream work




My love for poetry began when my friend NIkhil inspired me to enter the beautiful world of poetry, I was also inspired by Derick Williams aka Benhur, and truth be told Mistral(Marianna, Dawn)who were like MotherNature themselves, my friend,...

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