
31 Dec 2024

Icy cold winds of tomorrow 
Few take refuge in the fog
Hiding was never an option 
Escape not enough to soothe
Living is hardship and 
Hardship astoundingly cruel 

Cold harsh draughts of tomorrow
Feral as you may be 
I fear not your judgment 
I cower not from your will 
I will always stand steadfast 
In spite of the storm’s sting

Freezing gales of tomorrow 
From beyond your brutish form
Your presence providing purpose 
Indecision a reason to rejoice
Serenity and carnage contorted 
For it is in battle true light exudes 

Coldest whispers of tomorrow
A beginning becoming an end
Change, the face of an adversary 
Arbitration its other given name 
Trading, blows and scratches 
Misconceptions switching hands 
Astoundingly brutal in nature 
A losing battle all around 

Tomorrows, frosty breaths heaving 
Truly the heaviest of ordeals
Yet your fate might be averted
Let lowly whispers rage free
Give way for truths hidden 
Revitalize revelations unseen
A chance at changing convictions
Reaching out, past rusted seals

Chilling zephyrs of tomorrow 
Truthfully told cold and hot 
I stand not against you but, 
An imposter clad in distraught
Shearing the name same as I
Wearing pride once stolen 
Claiming my heart as a prize 
Simply put a spirit of future 
Ghost of that left unresolved 
A phantom of what has been 
And that which must be not

Icy cold winds of tomorrow
An apostle of the heralds four
Though absolution your implement
Though change a child of yours
Despite your relenting nature 
It is with your breath each life endures

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I am simply put a lost soul coming to terms with the sometimes harsh realties of life. Learing the complex intricacies of world we live by trying to understad both the beauty and brutishness of it all.

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