Borderline Personality Disorder(B P D)

20 Apr 2024


In the realm where shadows dance and light refrains,
Resides a mind, a tumultuous terrain.
Where lines blur, emotions twist and fray,
Borderline Personality Disorder holds sway.

It's a symphony of chaos, a relentless tide,
Where emotions clash, and reason hides.
Moments of euphoria swiftly fade,
Into the depths of despair, where darkness pervade.

A rollercoaster ride, with highs and lows,
Where identity shifts, like a river that flows.
A constant battle, an internal war,
BPD, a relentless force to endure.

It's like walking on a tightrope, without a net,
One misstep, and you're consumed by regret.
Struggling to find stability, a sense of self,
In a world where uncertainty is the only wealth.

At times, it's like being trapped in a maze,
Lost in the labyrinth of conflicting ways.
One moment, love burns with an intense flame,
The next, it's extinguished, leaving only shame.

Relationships become a battleground,
Where trust is fragile, easily unwound.
Fear of abandonment, a constant fear,
Driving actions fueled by desperation and tears.

It's like living with a constant storm,
Where peace and calm are the rarest form.
A whirlwind of emotions, spinning out of control,
Leaving behind wreckage, taking its toll






From a small town in Tennessee

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